Oct 22, 2018
How can HERS raters influence the development of the IECC? (International Energy Conservation Code)
Join us as Eric Makela of the New Buildings Institute (www.NewBuildings.org) takes us on a journey through the world of energy codes.
Eric is the perfect tour guide, as he has spent the last 30 years training on this topic to practitioners in the building, design and enforcement industries in a variety of venues in over 20 states.
We learn of the work NBI does and how they’re involved in code development. Eric also covers some the states and jurisdictions where more advanced or stretch codes are being implemented.
He also illustrates the steps involved in the code update process and what organizations/groups are involved. We also learn how Zero Net Energy and renewables factor in to all the codes.
We also cover changes that have been put in place for the 2018 code and what he believes are future themes for next code update in 2021.
Pros in the building industry should consider attending the annual conference which will be held in New Orleans, LA Feb 25-27, 2019 more info at: www.conference.resnet.us/
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